About Us

Civil engineers can typically be found working in one of three categories – consulting, contracting or academia. These are very different environments, each with its own set of unique skills. But what if you don’t quite fit into any single category? What if you enjoy the practicalities of seeing something being built and the urgency of an impending handover date? What if you enjoy the theories behind the unknown and making sense of otherwise innocuous information? And what if you enjoy taking a textbook full of proven ideas and applying them to real-world problems on site?

This is why our company exists.

Having spent over ten years working in all three sectors, there is undoubtedly a great need for better collaboration and communication between these professionals. None exists without the other. We see this and we get it. The fact we specialise in airport and transportation infrastructure is no coincidence either. Communication is the very reason transport systems exist and communication is at the heart of our philosophy. While airports connect far-flung destinations, they also bring the world closer together; on land, transport networks connect cities, towns and communities.

Communication is the key.

But our interests don’t end there. Aviation and aerospace are at the cutting edge of technology and organizational management. It gave birth to systems engineering, a discipline focussed on the integration of many moving parts - much like any civil engineering project. So, if you seek the highest standards of consulting engineering, mixed with the organisational skills of a contractor but laced with an eye for detail and precision like an academic, then we’d love to hear from you.

Martin O'Connell
Managing Director
January 2020