A selection of our most relevant case studies in the areas of design management, value engineering and pavement investigations. The following case studies give an appreciation for the detail of the work we specialise in and an outline of the benefits from our services.
Project to rehabilitate the airport's runway for the first time in over 15 years
Design ManagementInfrastructure enhancenements for US visiting forces
Design ManagementConstruction of a new hangar and HQ building for MQ9B Skyguardian
Design ManagementRunway rehabilitation tendering services for a principal contractor
Tendering ServicesMain runway and airfield oeprating surfaces refurbishment
Design ManagementStudy into the development of Baldonnel as a second airport for Dublin
Airfield PlanningFeasibility study into a runway extension and arrestor bed
Airfield PlanningPavement value engineering assessment for new remote stands
Value engineering