Standsted Airport Runway Rehabilitation

Design Management

Project summary

Stansted Aiport is one of the busiest single runway airports in Europe. In 2019 it was the third busiest air freight hub in the UK and fourth busiest for passengers. It is also Ryanair’s largest and most profitable base. The airport is a strategic national security asset serving as the designated diversion airport for any hijackings in UK airspace, while being home to specialist VIP FBOs handling visiting dignatories including Air Force One.

The airport’s runway last underwent a major rehabilitation in 2006 and was, by 2022, at the end of its service life. The project necessitated the removal of 120mm of existing surfacing and its replacement with 140mm of new grooved Marshall Asphalt. Deeper inlays were also identified in targeted areas. Works also inlcuded resurfacing the Romeo-Sierra lead-on pinch points, the replacement of the runway edge drainage collection system and new runway centreline primary cabling and transformers.

Scope of services

MOC Associates provided design managementservices to the principal contractor serving as the main point of contact between the client team and the designer. We set the project up to be fully BIM level 2 compliant, establishing the Common Data Environment (CDE) and overseeing the implementation of Manchester Airport Group’s (MAG) BIM protocols. As the project’s information manager, we facilitated dialogue and made detailed records of regular collaboration between the designer, airport stakeholders and contractor site teams. Six dedicated stakeholder engagement sessions during the pre-construction phase ensured all parties had the opportunity to participate in the design. The success of this format allowed the contracotr to secure the required feedback and approvals well in advance of the construction issue drawings while giving the airport confidence in the maturity of the design

Benefit to the contractor

MOC Associates has a long-established record of working at Stansted. Amongst other work, our staff have undertaken Pavement Condition Index (PCI) surveys at the airport covering almost 1.2 million m2 of concrete and asphalt inspections. We also have existing client team relationships, extending back over ten years. With this knowledge of the airport, we were able to provide our contractor client with local knowledge of the airfield and its supply chain. Additionally, our commitment to delivering BIM level 2 as standard for clients ensured the project was suitable for inclusion in their annual BSI audit

Summary of key points
  1. Successful implementation of BIM level 2 protocols for MAG and the principal contractor.
  2. Existing knowledge of airfield, client team and supply chain provided competitive edge in building stakeholder relations.
  3. First major UK airfield post-pandemic runway rehabilitation.