F35 JPO Design Review Charettes


Project summary

Much of the design and construction work associated with Project Anvil’s facilities required close collaboration with the F-35 Joint Programme Office (JPO) who safeguard and certify all aspects of the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) Programme. As part of the quality assurance process two critical design reviews were carried out during the detailed design phase of Works Package E. This required significant preparation and detailed collaboration with JPO representatives early in the programme and continued liaison through the construction stage.

Scope of services

The design reviews represented a detailed analysis of all relevant documentation at significant project milestones. The preparation of the necessary deliverables ran concurrent with both the detailed design and project delivery and necessitated the establishment of a dedicated design stream immediately upon contract award. The events were facilitated over the course of several days accommodating a wide range of civilian and military stakeholders along with subject matter experts.

The conclusion to these events was a significant but ultimately successful endeavour requiring detailed forward planning with all design disciplines. The re-deployment of existing resources necessitated a reprioritisation of the more immediate needs of construction teams and a clearer focus on critical path activities was devised. At the same time a dedicated set of design deliverables unique to the JPO requirements was developed and delivered on time for each submission deadline.


The reviews enabled close collaboration between subject matter experts and the design team ensuring the unique requirements of JSF facilities were properly coordinated and appropriately accommodated. The relationships built with key stakeholders at an early stage of the project ensured expert advice at subsequent project milestones was readily available which significantly contributed to the timely delivery of this two-year construction project.

Summary of key points
  1. Successfully met all the requirements of the F35 JPO design review teams
  2. Developed excellent relationships with personnel from Lockheed Martin, JPO, BAE Systems and other key civil and military stakeholders